Hello, welcome to homepage
I'm Alfian
Frontend Developer and Computer Technician

Introduce my name is Alfian Nurhuda Putra, bachelor degree from Gunadarma University majoring in Computer Systems. Previously I had attended Vocational High School as an Automotive Student. Then changed direction to pursue further education by entering University majoring in Computer Systems. During college I did freelance for repairing computers or laptops and assembling computers in the nearby area around friends and neighbors at home.
After graduating from University i have some skills as in Skill session below and for in Web Development recently i have experience like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Likewise, I have created a website using the bootstrap framework in my project.
Professional Skills
- Computer Maintenance
- PC Builder
- Web Development
- Administration Staff
Tool Skills
- VS Code
- Git
- Github
- Netlify
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Word
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Vegas Creative Software
- Canva
- Figma
- Notion
Language Skills

Project - Software Engineering Fundamental Course RevoU Batch 13
Create website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Using Google font namely Poppins font for body also Fontawesome for font icon.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Project - Alfian's Portfolio Website
Create website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Using Google font namely Asap font for body and Sacramento font for title also Fontawesome for font icon.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Project - Orange of Ducth White Portfolio Website With Bootstrap
Create website using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Using Google font namely Lora font for title, Roboto Slab font for body also Fontawesome for font icon.
HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.

Project - Orange of Ducth White Portfolio Website
Create website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Using Google font namely Lora font for title, Roboto Slab font for body also Fontawesome for font icon.
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Project - My Computer Activity Website "Resal Think"
Create website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Using Google font namely Agbalumo font for title, Roboto font for body also Fontawesome for font icon.
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.